Greg Allwine,



Greg Allwine passed away on January 16, 2023 at the age of 71. 

Over his long career, Greg’s influence touched many, and his legacy remains in those people and projects that continue to develop and shape the world.  Those who knew Greg immediately recognized his passion for project management, mentoring, and providing opportunity.

Greg received a B. Arch from Washington State University in 1975.  In 1977 he teamed up with Tom Johnson and Larry Braund to start Johnson Braund Design Group P.S., Inc., and ended up overseeing the firm’s growth from a local focus to national projects for over 46 years.

Greg had a career-long devotion to solving the challenges of physical disability and accessibility.  To carry on and support those goals, the endowed Greg L. Allwine Scholarship in Architecture has been established at Washington State University.  Priority in awarding the Scholarship is given to individuals with a mobility impairment or physical disability, and recipients will be given the opportunity for an internship with Johnson Braund. 

To learn more about the Scholarship fund, please visit:
Greg L. Allwine Scholarship in Architecture | Student Financial Services | Washington State University (

To donate directly to the Scholarship fund, please visit:
Greg L Allwine Scholarship in Architecture

It all started in the spring of 1970 in my freshman year of college, when I realized I really didn’t want to become an attorney, but either a structural engineer or an Architect. Unfortunately, WSU did not have an architectural engineering degree, so I chose architecture. My first job in the profession was for a firm in Long Beach, CA working on hospitals. Gaining that experience, help me decide that I never wanted to work ever to design hospitals. It was just too boring and not very creative. Moving back to the Seattle area, I started working for a civil engineer named Larry Braund. Within 6 months, the civil engineering firm became an A/E firm with Tom Johnson as the registered architect and the rest is history. After 40 years with the same firm, I still absolutely love what I do and the type of projects we design!  

Fun Fact: When I worked in Long Beach, CA, across the alley from our office was another architectural firm named Coppedge & Balance. Five years after leaving Long Beach to return to Seattle, a young lady with the same last name came to work for us. We married two years later. Her father owned the firm that was located across the alley.  What a small world.